Hello visitors, welcome!

Sometimes at different occasions I meet peoples who only speak English. Or you just found me by Surfing in the Internet. You all are cordial welcome! My Person is not so important, but much mor what I want to tell you, that is the very fact: GOD LOVES YOU!

A Guardian in the Roman City Philippi - 2000 years ago - came suddenly in a very dramatic Situation, when the last question of life and death came up. His Soul and mind was shocked and he cried loud in the darkness "WHAT MUST I DO, TO BE SAVED?"

Not many peoples would be able to give a helpful answer! But at that time one of the prisoners was a Christian and he heard that very urgently question. Deeply convinced he gave the answer, clear and distinctly: "BELIVE TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST¨!"

One short sentence for the only very truth! The Guardian anderstood and fell on his knees: "I belive!" he said. If you like, you can read the whole Story in the Bible in "Acts" Chapter 16.

Let me have a short comment: If our conscience is waked up by the Spirit of God, and we feel us unevadable guilty before the Lord: Then your Feeling is normal!      - Since that black day in the Garden of Paradise, when men leaved the Position of trusting God, a big impediment separated they from their creator an heavenly father - the result of sin!

If this Situation will not be changed, there is no hope for the eternal life to any men! Also no Religion is able to Change it. Religions are just Trials to search God, but not one could find HIM! It is. because the human posibilities are not able to overcome the abyss of sin.

But God - in HIS love to all mankind - found a way of help! He put the very burden of human sin on the shoulder of his son Jesus Christ. And this One went as a scapegoat the way of his Passion to the terrible and cruel cross. And He died. For you and me!

Now, if anyone of men feel in his heart the misery in relationship to God, and he will honestly cry to God - like the Guardian in the Story above - "O Lord, without you I am lost! Save me on the base of that what Jesus Christ did for me on His bleedy cross!" -- such men can be sure, God will hear him and tell him "You are saved, by grace. You belongs to me for ever! Stay with me!"

Please, don't expect Special Feelings and mystery things. The salvation is a real fact between God and you - founded on the death of Jesus, which happened in past tense. But rest on the confidence of God! Read the Bible - the Word of God - specially the New Testament. Be looking for other christians and their Fellowship. May God bless you!

"Jesus - our destiny" is the title of a book from Wilhelm Busch, a German Pastor. Perhaps you will find it in your bookshop. You can ask for (Aussat-Verlag, Andreas Brähm-Str. 18-20, D-47506  Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany)

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